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Road Traffic Accident

Scotland Claims can assist you if you have been involved in a Car Accident as a driver, motorcyclist, passenger, pedestrian or cyclist. Whiplash injuries and expenses for missing work or medical costs can all be included in your compensation claim. Even if you have sustained an injury in a Traffic Accident and the driver of the other vehicle is not insured or you have been injured as a result of a "hit and run" incident, you may still be able to claim compensation. We have specialist solicitors that handle claims that involve injuries sustained in car accidents which means we have a very high success rate with claims of this nature.

Don't forget... Using Scotland Claims for a straight forward claim, you are Automatically GUARANTEED to KEEP (*)100% COMPENSATION! No Win No Fee! If you WIN, we take (*)NO FEE from your Compensation (See our example below...)

Please see our Whiplash Injury Page to see what you can claim for...

Repair and Replacement Vehicle. If you are involved in a non fault car accident, we will keep you on the road by arranging a like-for-like hire vehicle until yours is repaired. Our National network of vehicle rental companies and body shops combine to offer a wide range of vehicles, including executive and prestige models. The hire costs are recovered from the insurer of the other party involved. There will be no requirements for you to make payments in advance.

Once a replacement vehicle has been authorised, you may qualify for our credit repair service. Whether insured comprehensively or third party, the service will benefit you. If insured third party, the credit repair service will eliminate the inconvenience of obtaining estimates and will provide the funding for your repair whilst your claim proceeds. Comprehensive insured customers choosing this route will not have to pay a policy excess and because no claim is being made against your policy, your hard earned No Claims Bonus is protected.

(*)100% Compensation. No Win No Fee

Example: For a Moderate Whiplash Injury compensation claim that was awarded £12,000 as settlement, using a (*)100% Compensation Solicitor like Scotland Claims, you would receive £12,000. Using some of the other big brand Solicitors that charge you 25% of your compensation on top of their success fee, you would receive just £8,400. That's £3,600 LESS!! That's a decent new used car you've just given away for absolutely no reason. (£12,000 - 25% = £3,000 * VAT = £3,600).

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How Much?

Why not see how much compensation you are entitled to? Use our compensation calculator to see how much, based on your injury.


Scotland Claims is a trading style of Kerr Brown Solicitors which is authorised and regulated by the Law Society of Scotland. Design/SEO Joshordan Software Ltd.

(*) For straight forward claims, you will receive 100% Compensation. For Complex claims, you will incur a maximum fee of 15% + VAT. This will be discussed with you.